Wednesday 13 December 2017

Why Christmas music in shops is bad for you

I’ve always dreaded the constant replay of Christmas music in shops. From Carols to popular music and the classic Christmas tunes that are trotted out every festive season. There are no doubt various reasons for feeling this way about them, and I know I’m not alone in it. Some people really don’t like carols, others aren’t fans of the classics and while some new ones become hits there are others that miss.

I think my dread of hearing songs in shops comes from the fact that I actually rather like carols, particularly the real old carols that are basically ancient folk music for Christmas. What the shops play are mainly Victorian Christmas hymns, which I and others like less.

You also tend to find that shops tend to play souped-up arrangements of carols. There may be something significant in what those arrangements do to the rhythm.

Read the full article on my website.

My New Book on Living ‘Deeply’

I have recently handed in ms. of my latest book to Lutterworth Press. It is called “Living Deeply”. It is linked to a set of film clips that will shortly be available on YouTube for free download. This book absorbs the text of the film clips, but expands it considerably. The book is about how to live, and draws on both psychology and spirituality in an integrated way.

We had lengthy discussions about the title for this material. A previous version was called the “beta course”, but that is fairly uninformative and has already been used by others. For a while we thought of calling it ‘metanoia’, but we decided that was too obscure. We then got as far as thinking we wanted a two word title with ‘living’ as one of the words but what should be other work be? Eventually we went for ‘deeply’.

Read the article in full on my blog.

Friday 1 December 2017

Spirituality and Life Satisfaction

Daniel José Camacho wrote in the Guardian recently about research from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) on people who are ‘spiritual but not religious’.

PRRI and Florida State University jointly conducted a national survey in the US, measuring spirituality by self-reported experiences of being connected to something bigger than oneself, and religion by frequency of religious attendance and the personal importance of religion.

Read the article in full on my blog.