Thursday 15 February 2018

Scientific and Religious Approaches to Mental Health

Much of my work has been on science and religion, particularly psychology and religion. There are many specific topics to consider from that point of view, but circumstances have led me to focus recently on mental health and wellbeing.

As far as psychosis is concerned I see no incompatibility between the medical approach and a spiritual approach.

Monday 5 February 2018

How Black-and-White Are You in Your Thinking?

Some people think in black and white terms; some see things in terms of shades of grey. Some people make a clear, confident choice, one way or the other; others instinctively look for a middle way. Some people see an issue as clear-cut; other people can see both sides of a question.

Of course, few of us go entirely one way of the other. All of us tend to be more clear cut, more black and white, about things we are passionate about.  Also, stress shifts us all to being more black and white in our thinking

Read How Black-and-White Are You in Your Thinking? in full.